Search Results for: prisoner abuse

AP has obtained a letter written by an FBI counterterrorism expert working at Guantanamo Bay that complains of abusive military interrogations of prisoners as early as 2002. The letter, written by Thomas Harrington to Maj. Gen. Donald J. Ryder,...


The US Navy has begun investigating a new series of photos depicting abuse of detainees and prisoners of war in Iraq, according to a spokesperson. The photos, while not as graphic and brutal as the ones taken in connection...


A US military judge Saturday ordered Brig. Gen. Janis Karpinski, formerly in charge of US prisons in Iraq, to testify in the upcoming prisoner abuse trial of Sgt. Javal Davis. Davis has admitted to stepping on prisoners' fingers and...


Pfc. Lynndie England returned to court Wednesday for hearings on pre-trial motions for her upcoming court-martial on charges of abusing detainees at Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq. Three days of preliminary motions were scheduled to be heard, although details...